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What Kind of 2019 Woman Will You Be?


I’m not talking about another new year’s resolution. I’m talking about a new adventure, a new way of living, a new you! I’m talking about being better for yourself and for your family.


What do you want to see happen this year? What is your heart’s desire? Who do you want to become? You choose. It’s all up to you.


Fill in the blank.  In 2019 I will be… __________________________________________


A woman of PURPOSE, who will fulfill the hope of her calling, starting here, starting now….


A woman of CHANGE, that turns over a new leaf to be bigger and better…. [Out with the old, in with the new!]


A woman of POWER, filling herself with the word of God so she can be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might….


A woman of COURAGE, who walks in boldness and confidence knowing that God has not given her the spirit of fear….


A woman of INDEPENDENCE, that is no longer depending on others for a handout but is putting her sole trust in God….


A woman of WISDOM, who casts all of her cares on the Lord and leans not to her own understanding….


A woman of BUSINESS, taking a step of faith to mind her own business, start a business, and diligently handle her business….


A woman of PRAYER, who will acknowledge God in all of her ways and seek him for clear direction….


A woman of WARFARE, who will pull down strongholds by decreeing and declaring the way it shall be in her life. Making the decision that you will take no more of the devil’s mess….


A woman of PEACE, releasing all bitterness and unforgiveness  toward anyone in your past, present, or future….


Get ready for new blessings, new challenges, and a new you! Whatever kind of woman you choose to be this year, know that you are capable and well able to make it happen.


Cheryl Lynn Smith

Women’s Life, Business, & Action Coach

IMpowerment & INcrease INnovator

#2018, #Courage, #Power, #Change, #Warfare, #Purpose, #Prayer





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